LIU Jinyun

Name: LIU Jinyun


Title: professor


Discipline: Material Science and Engineering


Education: Chongqing University, Bachelor of Technology, July,1984

Sicuan University, Master of Technology, July,1990


Memberships: Association the China Matel


Research Interests: Surface Technology; Numerical Simulation,, and new instrument for checking materials


Selected Publications

1. “Mechanics Propertis of Engneering Materials”, Aug.2001, Haerbin

Constrcture Materials, Feb.2008, Haerbin

2. “Numerical Simulation of Stress-field for steel Tube Drawing Process with a Short Mandril”, Journal of Iron & Steel, Vol.40, No.4, 2005,

3. “Compatibility of Al-Si-Eutectic Alloy and Zr-2at Different Heat-treatment Temperature”, Journal of Nuclear Power Engineering Vol.30, No.2, Ape.2009



Research on theRelaionship of Railway Wheel and Rail for New Wheel Steel and Rail Steel, Oct. 2004

Research on the Surface Hardening Technology of the Short Mandril for Steel Tube Drawing, Dec.2005

Research on the EBSP of Zircaloy, Jun.2008




Address: School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xihua University, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, 610039, P. R. China