I. Application Materials:

1. Application Form;Application Form-XHU.pdf

2. Passport Photocopy;

3. The Highest Degree Copy or Student Statues Proof issued by the registered school;

4. High School / Undergraduate Academic Transcript;

5. Two Reference Letters for degree programs;

6. HSK Certificate (Level 4 for undergraduate application, level 5 for graduate application);

7. Non-Criminal Records issued by the security department of the home country;

8. Bank Statement (No less than RMB20000 or equivalence in foreign currency) for self-support students;

9. CV;

10. Registration Fee:65 USD(400RMB) - The registration fee is paid upon the students' arrival at Xihua University;

II.Application Procedure
1. Download Application form at the website of Xihua University
2. Send the application materials to oice@mail.xhu.edu.cn;

3. Invitation of Interview when necessary;
4. Receive Admission Notice by E-mail;
5. Receive official admission letter and JW202 form;
6. Apply for X visa at the Chinese Embassy in your home country;
7. Pay the registration fee and tuitions fee upon arrival.

III. Application Deadline


Spring semester: Feb to Jun

Fall semester: Sep to Jan

Application Deadline

November 30 

May 31th

Admission Notice

January 20th 

July 15th

Payment Due

Upon Arrival

Upon Arrival