CHEN Xiaohong

Name: CHEN Xiaohong


Title: Associate professor


Discipline: Physics



2006    PhD from Sichuan University


Research Interests: Structure and optical spectra of molecules; nanoclusters; hydrogen storage material


Selected Publications

(1) Xiaohong Chen, Quan Du, Rong Jin, Hao Feng, Yaoming Xie, R. Bruce King, “Analogies between binuclear phospholyl and cyclopentadienyl manganese carbonyl complexes: seven-electron donor bridging phospholyl rings”, New Journal of Chemistry, 35(5), 1117, (2011)

(2) Chen Xiao-hong, Wang Ling, Zhu Zheng-he, Luo Shun-Zhong, “Electron-vibration approximation method for hydrogen isotope compounds Al2O3X(X=H, D, T)”, Acta Phys. Sin. 55, 3420(in Chinese)

(3) Chen Xiao-hong, Gao Tao, Zhu Zheng-he, Luo Shun-zhong, “Study on the structure and stability of the Al2O3Hx(x=1—3) molecules by density function theory”, Acta Phys. Sin. 56(1), 0178(in Chinese)



Published a science monograph The Fundamental Theory of Hydrogen Storage Material and Its Application, The University of Electronic Science and Technology Press

