Name: LUO Defu
Title: Professor and PH.D Supervisor
Deputy Director of Technology Material Association of
Committee Member of National Technical Committee on Heat Treatment of Standardization Administration of
Executive member of Chinese Heat Treatment society
Discipline: Surface Technology Material Processing
2011 PH.D. in material science, Xi’an University of technology,
1985 B.E. in material science, Xi’an University of technology,
Research interests:QPQ Complex Salt Bath Heat-treated, Numeric control tool
Selected publications:
1. “Micro-structural Studies of QPQ Complex Salt Bath Heat-treated Steels”, journal of materials processing Technology, 1997, 69, 45-49 ; (EI:97103850987)
2. “Corrosion Resistance of QPQ Treated N80 Steel in CO2 Solution”,Proceedings - 15thIFHTSE - International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering Congress 2006: 512-515(EI:084011612196)
3. “Effect of QPQ Salt
1996 Second Prize of National Award for Science and Technology Progress (State Council, State Council Expert for Special Allowance)
1995 First Prize of
E-mail: cd_df @126.com