PENG Yiqiang

Name: PENG Yiqiang


TitleDr.  Prof.


DisciplineVehicle Engineering



In 1984, Southwent Jiaotong University, Computer Application, Bachelor degree;

In 1990, Southwent Jiaotong University, Computer Application, Master degree;

In 1997, Southwent Jiaotong University, Vehicle Engineering, Doctor degree;


Research Interests

1. Automotive Electronics

2. Electric Vehicle Control

3. Mechantronics    


Selected Publications

1. “CNG Direct Injection Engine Control Based on Rapid Control Prototype Technique”, Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2010,452:218-221. (EI: 20102212966915)

2. “Research on Fuzzy Control Strategies for Automotive EPB System with AMESim/Simulink Co-simulation”, CCDC2009, 2009.07,EI: 20094712469587

3. “State Feedback Control to Track a Moving Object for a Non-holonomic Mobile Robot”, ICFMD20102010.12Chongqing, EI20110313585923



1.  Research on the CNG Engine Control Technique Based on the Composition of Natural Gas: Department of Science and Technology of Sichuan Province, Project No.: 2010JY0042

2. Development of 4100 Engine for Bio-gas: Committee of Development and Reform of Sichuan Province, Project No.: [2009]285

3. Research on the CNG Engine Direct Injection Control Technique: Education Committee of Sichuan Province, Project No.: 07ZZ032



Address: School of Transportation and Automotive Engineering, Xihua University, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, 610039, P. R. China