XU Zhihong

Name: XU Zhihong


Discipline: Pharmaceutical Analysis, Analytical Chemistry


Title and Appointments

Associate professor, Tutor of Master

Director of Assoc of SC Chromatog

Member of the specialty committee of TCM pharmaceutical analysis of WFCMS



2004    Ph. D. in Pharmaceutical Analysis from the School of Pharmacy, West China University of Medical Science

1999   Master Degree in Environment Engineering from the School of Resources and Environment, Sichuan Agriculture University

1988    B.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry from the School of Chemistry, Sichuan University


Research Interests: includes the quality control of Pharmacy, extraction and isolate of natural product


Selected Publications

1.       XU Zhihong , QIAN Guangsheng , LI Zhangwan, “Extraction of Liposoluble Substances from Danshen with Subcritical Water”, Chinese J. Anal . Chem. , 2003 , 31 (11) :1307-11311

2.       XU Zhi-hong,  YANG Zai-jun, ZHANG Li, ZHAO Hong-xia, YANG Rui-wu, DING Chun-bang, ZHOU Yong-hong, WANG De-guang, “AAS Determination of Trace Elements in Root of Salvia Miltiorrhiza and its Close Species”, Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis Part B: Chemical Analysis, 2009, 45(3):321-323

3.       Yan Zhang, Zhonghong Gao, Jiaqin Liu & Zhihong Xu*, “Protective effects of baicalin and quercetin on an iron-overloaded mouse: comparison of liver, kidney and heart tissues”, Natural Product Research, 2011, 25(12):1150-1160



E-mail: xzh1966@163.com