Name: ZHENG Xiaoming
Title and Appointments
Associate Professor
Chief Teacher in
Director of Department of Politics Education
1992 B.A. from
To now M.A. in the Study of the Chinization of Marxism
Research Interests
Ideological and Political Education, International Relations
Selected Publications
“Research on Analysis and Cultivation of Training Strategy of
“Analysis of Psychology Affected by Internet Environment”, Journal of
“The Effects and Countermeasures on Ideological and Political Education by the New Mass Media”, Research on some problems of Ideological and Political Theory, Sep. 2010
Editor of Situation and policy,
Editor of Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis of Learning Guidance,
Editor of Ideological Moral and Legal Qualities, University of Electronic Science and Technology Press, 2008
Research Projects
Research on Analysis and Cultivation of Training Strategy of Chengdu Citizens’ Ethics and Values Chengdu (Research Base of philosophy and Social Sciences the 10th 5-years plan, 2003)
Reform and Development of
Research on the Democratic Political Development Path Based on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics (Research Base of philosophy and Social Sciences the 11th 5-years plan, 2010)
Third Prize of outstanding achievements of 2001 Higher Education rewarded by Sichuan Provincial People's Government,
The 7th Top 10 Young-Educator award nominations among universities in
Second Prize of Ideological and Political Teaching Competition rewarded by Sichuan Provincial Department of Education
E-mail: heitiane918@hotmail.com