Name: WEI Xiaowei
Title:Professor; Ph. D; Vice-chairman of
Discipline:Materials Science and Engineering
1985 Bachelor's Degree & Master's Degree in materials Science and Engineering from Sichuan Institute of Industry
1991 Doctor's Degree in Materials Science and Engineering at
Research Interests
Preparation of Advanced Materials, Surface Technology and Equipment
Selected Publications
1. “Compressive Creep Behaviour of Mg-Li-Al Alloy”, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 22 (6): 730-733 JUN 2006 .SCI:057GS, EI: 064110161977
2. “Elevated Temperature Properties of Mg-12Li-Al-Mg Composites”, TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF
3. “Compressive Creep Resistance of Mg-14Li-Al-MgO/Mg2Si Composites. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 22 (8): 903-907 AUG 2006.SCI:083CJ, EI:063810117935.
4. “Preparation of PTFE Composite Anodic Film on Aluminium Alloy 6061 Using Electrophoretic Pocess”, Tribology-Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces, 2010, 4: 74—77.
5. “Effect of Electron Irradiation and Heat Treatment on the Multi-step Transformation in A Ni-rich Near-equiatomic TiNi Alloy”, Nucl. Instrum. And Meth. B 2004, 215/3-4: 436-442.( in