ZHUO Wuyang

Name: ZHUO Wuyang


Discipline: Economics



1996   B.A. in Finance, Southwest University of Finance and Economics

2001   M.A. in National Economics, Sichuan University

2004   PhD in Political Economics, Sichuan University

2006   Post-Doctoral Degree in Finance, Southwest University of Finance and Economics

2009   Post-Doctoral Degree in Law, Southwest University of Political Science and Law


Title and Appointments

Professor, Deputy-dean, Postgraduate supervisor 

Research Director of the Sichuan Technological Economy and Modern Management

Director of the Sichuan Finance Institute

Honorary Researcher of Western China Development Academy


Research Interests: Financial System, Corporate Finance, Legal Economy Analysis


Selected Publications

“The Economic Analysis on Legislation of Electronic Finance”, Guangming Daily, 04/15/2011

“Strengthening the legal regulation on Financial and Moral Risks”, The People’s Daily, 06/23/ 2010

On Regulation on Financial Moral Risk of Investment Fund-the Asia Pacific Economic, Southwest university of Finance and Economics Press, 2010.09


Selected Research Projects

1.        In 2009, the Humanities and Social science Youth Project of Education Department “the Research of Legal Regulation for Investment ----in Trust Law Perspective” .

2.        In 2010 , the Key Project of Sichuan Provincial Education Department “Post—crisis Financial Stability and the Innovation of Finance Regulatory System” 

3.        In 2010 , the key project of Xihua University “ Finance Moral Risks: Causes, Mechanism and Control system”


Selected Honors and Awards:

1.         In 2004, received the first prize of Sichuan Technological Economy and Modern Management Annual Outstanding Thesis

2.         In 2004, received a Research Attribute Award at the Fifth TaoGuoyu Humanity and Social science in Sichuan University



Tel: 13881891969;   028-87720573

Email: zhuowuyang@yahoo.com

Address: Finance and Trade Institute of Xihua University 610039