Name: FENG Yaqu


Title: Associate Professor


Discipline: English Language



Mar. 1999---Jan. 2001   Studying in Southwest Jiaotong University majoring in MBA

Sep. 1981---June 1985   Graduated from Sichuan College of Education majoring in English;

Mar. 1978---Mar. 1980   Graduated from Mianyang Normal School majoring English;


Research Interests: Methodology of English Language Teaching


Selected Publications:

“On the Relationship between College Students’ Psychological and Its Management”, Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities 2006.10

“On the Positive Effects of Teacher Feedback to Student Writing in EFL”, Journal of Culture & International Languages, Vol.5 No.2 2008

Analysis of Psychological Interaction in College English Teaching”, Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities, 2008.10



E-mail: fengyaqu@yahoo.com.cn

Address: School of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Xihua University, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, 610039, P. R. China