Hu Bing

NameHu Bing


1993 Graduated from Shenyang Architecture& Engineering University

1996 Master’s degree in Fluid Machinery and Fluid Engineering from Xihua University

2005 Doctor’s degree in Measuring Technology and Instruments from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China


Title & Appointments

Associate professor of the School of Electric and Information


Research Interests: Design of DSP and VLSI; Computer Automated Measurement and Control technology and Virtual Instruments; Embedded System and Modern Communication Technology


Selected Publications& Awards

1.  “System-on-a-chip Test Data Compression Based on Huffman Shift Codes”, Instrument and Meter, Nov. 2005 PP1114-1118EI05509546583#

2.  “Design of Wireless Temperature Monitoring and Control System Based on ZigBee Technology in Communication Room”, IEEE International Conference on Internet Technology and Applications, Aug. 2010 PP1-3.EI20104313326515

3   “Application and Research of Data Acquisition Based on Database Technology of LabVIEW”, Advanced Materials Research, Jun.2011 PP389-403. EI20112914166112

4   “Application of Embedded and Modern Communications Technology in Electric Power Systems” project leader of Innovation Fund of Xihua UniversityNOSBZD0503):Nov. 2011

5.   “Power Quality Remote Monitoring System base on GPRS” project leader of the application foundation project on science and technology agency of Sichuan provinceNO 2005A111: Dec.2009

6.   “Distributed Structure Test System and Wireless Data Transmission System”enterprise commissionedNO10209151: Nov. 2010



Address: School of Electric and Information, Xihua University, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, 610039, P. R. China