General Information
Name: ZHANG Liang
Title: Ph.D.
Discipline: Microbial Transformation
E-mail: biozhangliang@Gmail.com
2008.9-2011.6: Ph.D. in
2005.9-2008.3: Master degree, in Food Science,
2001.9-2005.7: Bachelor degree in Bioengineering,
Research interests
R & D for industrial utilization of biotechnologies
Development of practicable microbiological techniques and bioprocessing procedures
Selected Publications
1. Energy-saving direct ethanol production from viscosity reduction mash of sweet potato at very high gravity,Fuel Processing Technology,2010 91(12),Liang ZHANG, Qian CHEN, Yanlin JIN, Huilin XUE, Jiafa GUAN, Zhongyan WANG, Hai ZHAO, SCI,IF 2.8。
2. Application of simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) from viscosity reducing of raw sweet potato for bioethanol production at laboratory, pilot and industrial scales, Bioresource Technology, 2011 102, Liang ZHANG, Xiaofeng GAO, Qian CHEN, Yanlin JIN, Jiafa GUAN, Zhongyan WANG, Hai ZHAO, SCI,IF 4.7。
3. Optimization of Ethanol Production by Thermotolerant and High Alcohol-producing Yeast Using Response Surface Analysis, Chin. J Appl. Environ. Biol., 2011 17(1), ZHANG Liang, JIN Yanlin, CHEN Qian, FANG Yang, WANG Zhongyan, GUAN Jiafa, ZHAO Hai.
[1] Rapid ethanol production from high viscosity feedstock, State 863 projects of
[2] Ethanol production relative technology R&D from sweet potato mash, Ministry of Agriculture of the
[3] Key technology of ethanol production R&D from sweet potato, National Key Technology R&D Program Fund of China during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan Period (2007BAD78B04).
[4] Research of thermotolerant yeast for ethanol production at industry scale,