ZENG DongJian

Name: ZENG DongJian


TitleProfessor, Director of the Department of Power Machinery and Engineering



1986  B.A. HuaZhong University of Science and Technology

2005  M.A. XiHua University,


Research Interests:

Combustion Burning and Control, New Fuel for Engine, Design for Combustion and Spare Parts


Selected Publications

1.      “Experiment Analysis & Study Basing on M15 Methanol-petrol Mixed Anti –water Additive”, Vehicle Engine, Dec. 2007

2.  “Experimental Study on the Performance of Methanol Gasoline in gasoline engine”, Small Internal Combustion Engine and Motorcycle, Jun.2009

3.  “Development of Cooling-needle Valve Assembly about Diesel Engine based on Argon Arc Welding”, Machinery Design & Manufacture, JUL.2009




Address: School of Transportation and Automotive Engineering, Xihua University, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, 610039, P. R. China