Name: RONG Li

Title and Appointment

Associate Professor

Director of Association of Sichuan Chromatography

Discipline: Analytical Chemistry


1996-2000   Bachelor’s Degree from Department of Chemistry, Sichuan University, China

2002-2004    Master’s Degree from Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Gifu University, Japan

2004-2007     PhD Degree from Department of Material Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gifu University, Japan

Research Interests: Analytical chemistry, Environmental and food analysis

Selected publications

1. L. Rong, Z-G Liu, M-L Ma, L. W. Lim, T. Takeuchi

“Determination of inorganic anions by capillary IC using hexadimethrine bromide-modified silica stationary phases”, Chromatographia, 73, 501-506, March, 2011

2. L. Rong, L. W. Lim, T. Takeuchi    

“Determination of iodide in seawater using C30 column modified with polyoxyethylene oleyl ether in ion chromatography”, Talanta, 72, 1625-1629, July, 2007

3. L. Rong, L. W. Lim, T. Takeuchi  

“Determination of iodide in seawater samples by ion chromatography with chemically-bonded poly (ethylene glycol) stationary phase”, Journal of Chromatogry A, 1128, 68-72, September, 2006


