JIN Rong

Name: JIN Rong


Title: Associate Professor


Discpline: Physics




1985   Graduated from Sichuan Normal University

1991   Master’s Degree from Sichuan Normal University


Research Interests: structure of molecules; nanoclusters


Selected Publications:

A DFT study of AH, AH2 ( A = Zrn , Pdn, ZrPd, n = 1 ,2) molecules”, Journal of Sichuan University (Natural Science Edition), 12, 2008

“A DFT study of Zr nPdm (n + m 5) mixed clusters”, Journal of Atomic And Molecular Physics, 12, 2008

“Structure and Properties of ZrnPd clusters by density-functional theory”, Acta Physic Sinica, 10, 2010


