Name: DING Shihua
Title: Professor
Discipline: Materials Science and Engineering
Education: Received Bachelor and Master in electronic materials and devices from
Research Interest:
1. Microwave dielectric materials and MLCCs devices;
2. Functional dielectric materials and devices;
3. nano oxide semiconductive materials.
Selected publication:
1. Study of structure and dielectrc properties of non-stoichiometric Bi2O3-ZnO-Nb2O5 ceramics. Journal of Electroceramics 2008,21: 435-438.
2. Microwave dielectric properties of (Bi1-xRx)NbO4 ceramics (R=Ce,Nd,Dy,Er). J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 2006,26(10-11): 2003-2005
3. Ferroelectric Behavior of CuO Doped Ba(Ti0.91Zr0.09) O3 Ceramics Ferroelectrics, 400:204–213, 2010
Email: dshihua@263.net