JIAO Shirong

General Information

Name: JIAO Shirong

Title: professor, advisor of master student

Discipline: Food science and engineering



1989   Kunming University of Science and Technology, Food engineering discipline

1995    Master’s degree in environment engineering, Sichuan University

2008   Doctor’s degree in nutrients and food health discipline, Sichuan University


Research Interests

Food science and engineeringnatural product research and development


Selected Publications

1.Determination of Flavoniods in Citrus aurantium L.Extract by HPLC and its Antioxidant Activity”, Lishizhen Medicine and Materia Medica Research, 2008  

2. “Statistical Optimization of the Cultivation Conditions of Iron-enriched Yeast”, Food and Fermentation Industries, 2008

3.Effects of Citrus aurantium extract on liver antioxidant defense function in experimental diabetic mouse”, Journal of Hygiene Research, 2008



1.         Key Fund Project of Sichuan Provincial Department of Education. Study on activity of regulating blood glucose of total flavonoids in ZhiShi extract
2.         Key Fund Project of Sichuan Provincial Department of Education. Study on activity of regulating blood glucose of total Polyphenol from Pomegranate Peel extract and its antioxidant mechanisms
3.         The National Natural Science Foundation of China. A high fat diet during in adult rat induces skeletal muscle programming and insulin resistance in fetal rat
