HAO Zhiping

Name   HAO Zhiping


DisciplineEnglish Instruction; Teachers’ Education



1988   BA’ Sichuan International Studies University

1995   MA’ Sichuan Southwest Normal University



Professor, postgraduate supervisor of the School of Foreign Languages and Cultures

Executive Chairperson of the School of Foreign Languages and Cultures of Xihua University


Research Interests

1.       The Theoretic and Practical Research of English Self-regulated Learning and Cooperative Learning

---Key Project of Sichuan Provincial Education Ministry 2005.04-2007.05

2.       Research of College English Course and Teaching under Credit System.

---Educational Reform Project of Sichuan Provincial Education Ministry 2005.10-2008.06


Selected Publications

1.       “The Application of Cooperative Learning to the Reading Course for English Majors” 

--Education Exploration 2006.04

2.       “The Construction of Teaching Mode of ‘Self-regulated Learning and Cooperative Learning’ in Integrated College English”                

--China Adult Education 2008.01

3.       “The Effective Teaching Strategy for English Cooperative Learning”    

--Contemporary Educational Science 2006.07



The second prize of the Sixth Teaching Achievements of Sichuan Higher Education ‘Learning-Teaching-Supervising, the New Mode of Three-Core Theory and Practice in College English Teaching 2010’



E-mail Haozhiping321@yahoo.com.cn

Address: School of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Xihua University, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, 610039, P. R. China