Name: YANG Xiaolin
Title: Associate Professor
Discipline: Engineering and Urban Environmental Fluid Mechanics; Computational Fluid Dynamics
1998 Graduated from Xiangtan Mining Institute (called Hunan University of Science and Technology today)
2004 Master's degree in fluid machinery and engineering,
Research Interests
Manure treatment technology and resource reuse in Longheng rabbit farm, 2008.09
Optimization design of sewage treatment and collection system engineering in Zhangmu town,
Experimental research of relative eddy within impeller passage, 2005.05
Selected Publications
“Numerical simulation of 3D vortex flow for folded plate flocculation tank based on FLUENT”, Water and Wastewater Engineering, 08, 2009
“PIV monitoring of flow fields in folded plate flocculators”, Environmental Pollution and Control, 12, 2008
“Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation on technical and economic state of pump”, Pump Technology, 08, 2006
E-mail: xhdxyxl@163.com