General Information
Name: XIANG Wenliang
Title: PhD, Associate Professor & Master Student Supervisor
Discipline: Microbiology
E-mail: biounicom@mail.xhu.edu; xiangwenliang73@yahoo.com.cn
1993~1997 B.S., College of Bioengineering, Xihua University, China
2005~2008 Ph.D., College of Life Science, Sichuan University, China
Research Interests
Halophile Microbiology; Ionic Channel of Microbial Cell Membrane; Microbial Molecular Ecology of Traditionary Fermentation Food in
Selected Publications
[1] Wen-liang Xiang, Hua-zhong Liang, et al. Isolation and performance evaluation of halotolerant phosphate solubilizing bacteria from the rhizospheric soils of historic Dagong Brine Well in China. World J Microb Biot. 2011, online (DOI 10.1007/s11274-011-0736-0)
[2] Wen-liang Xiang, Wei Feng, Jian-hua Guo, et al. Screeninga novel Na+/H+ antiporter gene from a metagenomic libraryof halophiles colonizing in the Dagong Ancient Brine Well in China. FEM Microbial Lett. 2010,306:22-29
[3] Wen-liang Xiang, Jian-hua Guo, et al. Community of extremely halophilic bacteria in historic Dagong Brine Well in southwestern
[4] Zhenming Che, zhen Hu, Wenliang Xiang, et al. Microbiolgy (Chinese edition), Science Press of China, 2011.06
[5] Wei Wang, Xianggui Chen, Wenliang Xiang, et al. Principles & Technology of Gene Engineering (Chinese edition), Chemical Press of China, 2011.01
[1] 2010.01-2012.12: The Chunhui Program of Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of
[2] 2005.01-2008.12: Natural Science of Educational Agencies of