Name: SUN Weiguo
Title: Professor
Discipline: Physics
1977 B.S. from
1992 Ph.D. from
Research Interests
Electron scattering from excited molecules
Photon interaction with high density matters
Molecular vibrational & rovibrational spectrum
Selected Publications
1) Weiguo Sun, Qunchao Fan, Huidong Li and Hao Feng, “Studies on the P-branch spectral lines of rovibrational transitions of diatomic system”, Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 2011, 79, 35-38.
2) Hao Feng, Weiguo Sun, Michael A Morrison and Andrew N Feldt, “Exact inclusion of exchange in calculations of cross sections for vibrational excitation of N2 by low-energy electrons”, J. Phys. B, 2009, 42, 175201.
3) Qunchao Fan, Weiguo Sun, “Studies on the full vibrational spectra and molecular dissociation energies for some diatomic electronic states”, Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 2009, 72, 298–305.