Name: PENG Biyou
Title: Associate Professor; Deputy Department Director
Discipline: Materials Science and Engineering
2007 Ph.D. in Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation,
2001 M.S. in Materials Processing Technology,
2001 B.S. in Plastic Forming Technology and Equipment, Sichuan Institute of Science and Technology
Research Interests:
l Light Alloy Serve Plastic Deformation(SPD) Mult-iscale Numerical Simulation Technologies
l CNC Machine Tool and Its Key components of Dynamic Analysis and Modeling
Selected Publications
1. “Effect of Extrusion Velocity to Wear Degree of Aluminum Profile”, Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2007, 17(9)
2. “The Influence of Bank Shape and the Setting of Drawbead on Wrinkling and Inadequate Stretch Areas in Automobile Covering Parts Forming Process, Journal of Plasticity Engineering,2006,13(6)
3. “Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Study for Dynamic Characteristics of Motorized Spindle of Machining Center”, Journal of