LIU Jianwei

Name: LIU Jianwei


Title: Professor, Postgraduate Supervisor


Discipline: Food Science and Processing Technology



1990.9-1994.7: Agricultural Master degree, in Biological production systems, Gifu University, Japan.

1978.9-1982.7: Bachelor degree, in the farm machinery design and manufacture, Chengdu Farm machinery Institute, China.


Research interests

Rice processing properties and rice quality evaluation,

Grain processing byproducts and comprehensive utilization,

Good process technology and food texture performance.


Selected Publications

[1]     Research on the Physicochemical properties and Taste evaluation of Hybrid rice. JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CEREALS AND OILS ASSOCIATION, 2003, 18(1):5-9.

[2]     Res earch of Detecting Degree of Rice Milling and Degree of Bran Removal. JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CEREALS AND OILS ASSOCIATION, 2004, 19(3):5-8.

[3]     Study of Testing Method of Texture Characteristics of Bread (). GRAIN STORAGE, 2010, 39(6): 28-33



[1] “Research on the Physical Properties and Processing of Hybrid Rice”, Key scientific research projects in Department of Education in Sichuan province, Obtained Achievements in scientific research of Sichuan province, April in 2000.

[2] “Research on key technology of rice production and demonstration in Department of Technology in Sichuan province, Obtained Achievements in scientific research of Sichuan province, May in 2010.


