Name: ZHU Weibing
Title: Ph. D, Professor
Discipline: Mechanical Engineering
1997-2000 Southwest Petroleum Institute, Study for Ph.D.
1994-1997 Southwest Petroleum Institute, Study for M.S. of Mechanical Engineering.
1990-1994 Southwest Petroleum Institute, Study for B.S. of Mechanical Engineering.
Research Interests: Machinery Dynamics, Mechanical Seal Technology, CAE.
Selected Publications:
“Screening Model for Drilling Fluid Shale Shaker and Computer Simulation”, Acta Petrolei Sinica, 22(5), pp 75-78, 2001.
“Kinematical Law Of Solid Particles On A Shale Shaker”, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 41(10), pp 231-234, 2005.
“Thermal Deformation in a Dry Gas Seal”, Advanced Materials Research,Vols.211-212, pp 222-226, 2011.
Youth Research Fund of Sichuan Province Education Department “Research on Gas Seal of Low Rotating Speed” (07ZB085).
Key Scientific Research Fund of Sichuan Province Education Department “Research on Aerostatic Gas Seal” (08ZA031).
National Natural Science Fund “Key Technology Research on Controling Relative Rotating Speed of Mechanical Seal” (51005188).
Address: School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation,