Name: MA zairu
Title: Vice Professor
Discipline: Physics/Optics
2006 PhD in Laser Communication,
Research Interests: Femtosecond Laser Generation, Amplification and Application, Optics Communication
Selected Publications
1. Ma Zairu, Feng Guoying, Chen Jianguo, “Synthesis of Narrow Bandwidth Flat- top ns Pulse with Multi-ultra-short Pulses”, Optik, 2010.121:378-383.
2. Ma zairu, feng guoyin, “Carrier envelope phase of few cycle pulsed Hermite-Gaussian beam”, Optics and Laser Technology, 2010. 42(2):260-263
3. Ma Zairu,Feng Guoying,Chen Jianguo et al. “Research on the formation of marrow bandwidth long flat-top pulse vis coherent addition of ultrashort pulses”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2007.56(02):933-940 (in Chinese)
E-mail: zairu-sima@163.com