DIE Dong

Name: DIE Dong


Title: Associate Professor


Discipline: Physics



1997   Graduated from the College of Sichuan Three Gorge

2002   Master’s Degree from Sichuan University


Research Interests: Structure and optical spectra of molecules; nanoclusters; EPR spectra


Selected Publications:

(1) Die Dong et. al, “Optical absorption and EPR study of the octahedral Fe center in yttrium aluminum garnet”, Phys. Rev. B 72 (2005) 073101

(2) Die Dong et. al, “EPR zero-field splitting parameters and structural distortion study of Mn2+-doped (CH3)4NCdCl3 crystal in high-temperature phases”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 426 (2006)77

(3) Die Dong et. al, “Study of EPR spectra for octahedral Fe3+ center in lutetium aluminum garnet”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 418 (2006) 71



Natural study of active centers of optical and electronic materials - a project supported by the Education Department of Sichuan Province (2007)



E-mail: science_dd@163.com