Name: REN Chuanhong
Title: Associate Professor
1992 Bachelor Degree in Chemistry Education,
Research Interests: Extraction, Purification and Identification of Compounds
Selected Publications
[1] Ren Chuanhong, “Stability of YHn+(n=1,2,3) Molecular Ions”, Journal of Sichuan University (Natural Science Edition), 10, 2006
[2] Ren Chuanhong, “Measuring Surface Tension of Solution by Maximum Bubble Pressure Method in Abnormal Situations”, Research on Higher Education, 06, 2007
[3] Ren Chuanhong, “Theoretical Study of Molecular Structure and Vibrational Spectra for RuN
[4] Ren Chuanhong, Basic Chemical Experiment, (First edition), Chinese Culture of Science Publishing House in 2004
E-mail: renchuanhong@163.com