FENG Deping

Name: FENG Deping


Title: Associate Professor, Postgraduate Supervisor


Discipline: Marxist theory



1994   Sichuan normal University

2003   M.A. in Law, Fudan University


Research Interests: Philosophy, Religion, Marxist Basic Principle


Selected Publications

“‘Reasonableness’, ‘Experience’ with ‘Mystery Experiences Personally’”, Henan Social Sciences, 2006.04

“The Scientific Spirit and the Limitations of Chinese Marxist Philosophy”, Journal of Jixi University, 2008.06

“Circulation System of Contracted Land Contains Political Risks”, Academic Forum, 2010.07


Selected Projects

Marxism and the New Land Reforms Political Direction, 2009.10—2010.11

Chengdu Migrant Workers in the Spiritual Life of the Condition Investigation2007.10-2008.03

The Modern Agricultural Development Impact of Farmers' Income Range and the Way, 2009.10——2010.03



E-mail: fdp168139@sina.com