QI Qiaoxia

Name: QI Qiaoxia


Title: Associate Professor


Discipline: Theory of Marxism



1991   M.A. in Philosophy, Xiangtan University


Research Interests: Theory of Marxism

Selected Publications

Mao Zedong's Materialist Dialectics during Socialist Construction Period”, Study of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theory, 2008

“On Deng Xiaoping's View of Economic Development”, Journal of Xihua University, 2004.06

“Brief Introduction to the 11th National Symposium on Mao Zedong's Philosophical Thought”, Study of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theory, 2004.01

Representative monographs: Mao Ze-Dong's Methodology, Hunan People's Publishing House, 2005.12



Project leader of "Methodology of Deng Xiao-ping's Philosophy" - Sichuan provincial key scientific research project, 2004.10-2012.10



E-mailqiqiaoxia @yahoo.com.cn