University Press

     Established in 2004, the University Press is a merger of the editorial sections of the Sichuan Institute of Industry’s Journal, Higher Education Research, and Chengdu College of Teacher Training’s Journal.  Its mission is to serve the University’s teaching and research interests, provide a platform for both internal and intercollegiate academic exchanges, recruit and develop new talent, and promote the development of academic study. 

Three sections edit and publish University research articles. These include:
● The Xihua University Journal (Science and Engineering) a bimonthly periodical published under the supervision of the Sichuan Ministry of Education
● The Journal (Humanities)
● Higher Education Research a quarterly publication of higher education that in 2006 was recognized as one of China’s top 100 internal academic periodicals

Division of Academic Periodicals
Xihua University
Chengdu, Sichuan, P.R. China
Zip Code: 610039
Tel: 86-28-8772-0088 86-28-8772-5872
Fax: 86-28-8772-0088

About XHU